Northeast Sustainable Energy Association
The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) is the Northeast’s leading organization of professionals and concerned citizens. It works for adoption and use of sustainable energy by providing support to industry professionals and by educating and motivating consumers. The web site presents rich sources of education, sustainable transportation, green buildings, and clean energy information. NESEA also hosts publications, links, events, energy award information.
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Business Council for Sustainable Energy
The Business Council for Sustainable Energy was created to advocate policies to promote the economic, environmental and security goals in natural gas, energy efficiency, electric utility and renewable energy industries. The web site provides information on efficient, economic and environmentally sound technologies, such as fuel cells, solar power, cogeneration, wind power and natural gas combined-cycle systems. Beside the web site also hosts information on financing, projects reports, consultancy, publications and related links.
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International Renewable Energy Agency
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.
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International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE) is a world-wide network of 200 NGOs in more than 60 countries. It influences global strategies and actions in order to enable and stimulate sustainable energy development world-wide. The web site provides a comprehensive information source in sustainable energy news, network activities, publications, links to other information sources.
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Sustainable Energy and Economy Network
The Sustainable Energy and Economy Network, a project of the Institute for Policy Studies (Washington, DC) and the Transnational Institute (Amsterdam), works in partnership with citizens groups globally on environment and development issues with a particular focus on climate change, energy, economic issues, etc for global sustainable development. The web site includes SEEN reports, news, events, statistics, and links to other web sites.
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Sustainable building design in Gurgaon
'Sustainable building design in Gurgaon: strengthening capacities for planning and implementation' is to improve the urban environment in Gurgaon district of Haryana through the introduction of sustainability measures in building design. Its ultimate aim is to assist the local authority in Gurgaon to develop building plans based on the concepts of energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, and sound water and waste management practices. It aims to enhance mutual understanding and awareness between Asia and Europe by supporting urban development projects that are implemented jointly by Asian and European local governments.
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Sustainable Habitats
This portal aims to be a focal point for know-how on sustainable buildings - best practices used in various eco-friendly buildings, updates on green-rated buildings, latest news, primer on different ratings systems, and useful resources to help execute successful green building projects.
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Green Learning
GreenLearning creates free online education programs about energy, climate change and green economy that engage and empower students to create positive change for our evolving world. To build our programs, we combine input from national surveys and consultations with teachers and education professionals to inform our teacher writers. All of our lessons are piloted with teachers and school boards and revised based on their feedback before we make them available.
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International Institute for Energy Conservation
Our vision is to accelerate the promotion of sustainable energy and environmental programs in developing countries and countries in transition. Our unique values are strived to provide sustainable solutions with proven technical capabilities, implement with wealth of practical and international experience in Asia and Pacific regions
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Australian Government- Department of the Environment and Energy
The Department designs and implements Australian Government policy and programs to protect and conserve the environment, water and heritage, promote climate action, and provide adequate, reliable and affordable energy.
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India Energy
The India Energy Portal (IEP), an offering of the Energy Division of NITI Aayog, is intended to provide a common platform for all energy related data and research for different sources. It aims to reach not only policy makers but also those who use energy in their day to day lives and want to develop a holistic understanding of the sector. A platform where even a novice can gain a basic understanding of India’s energy scenario. And researcher/ energy enthusiast can use to get access to Indian energy databases and reports.
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Student Energy was built using the input and recommendations of hundreds of young people from all over the world. We have highlighted some key features below so you can get started!
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Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (Shakti) seeks to facilitate India’s transition to a cleaner energy future by aiding the design and implementation of policies that promote clean power, energy efficiency, sustainable urban transport and climate action. Working collaboratively with policy makers, civil society, industry, think tanks and academia, Shakti seeks to catalyze transformative solutions to meet India’s energy needs in clean and sustainable ways.
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