Mailing list Discussion Forums
Last Updated On: 09/11/2012
The P2Policy list server is administered by the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable Office and funded by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Pollution Prevention Division. The list server provides a discussion forum on pollution prevention policy and legislative developments. Subscribers are allowed to query and comment on topics related to pollution prevention policy development, regulatory integration issues and legislation. For subscription, send mail to
P2Tech is a list server dedicated to the free discussion of technical strategies for implementing pollution prevention. For subscription, send mail to EPA’s Office of Reinvention
The focus of this list server is on environment regulation. For subscription, send mail to with the words ‘subscribe reinvention’ and include ‘your name’ in the body of the message.
The Water Forum
The Water Forum is an open forum for discussions on water resources issues, including groundwater and surface water, drinking water, waste water, wetlands, recreational use, fisheries and wildlife, and any other relevant water resources and or sanitation topics. For subscription, send mail to AP-CPNet
The AP-CPNet (Asia Pacific Cleaner Production Network) has been initiated by the Cleaner Technology Information Center, Thailand. The main purpose of AP-CPNet is to accelerate a dialogue between the various stakeholders in cleaner production in the Asia Pacific region and to bring together all those who are working towards achieving this goal of promotion of cleaner production concept in this region. For subscription, send mail to or ENS
The ENS (Environment News Service) is a daily e-mail based international newswire service dedicated to the latest environmental news. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to Biodiversity network
This is a discussion list on biodiversity issues. To subscribe send an e-mail to with ‘SUB BIODIV-L <firstname><lastname>’ in the message.
This is an unmoderated list of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics in a Canadian context exploring ecological economics. To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to with ‘subscribe CANSEE [Your Name]’ in the message.
ECOSYS-L: Ecosystem Modelling
This mailing list is intended for the discussion in the field of ecosystem theory and modelling. To subscribe send an e-mail to
LISTSERV@LISTSERV.GMD.DE with ‘subscribe ECOSYS-L [Your Name]’ in the message.
ENVTECSOC: Environment Technology and Society
ENVTECSOC is an unmoderated discussion group, which discusses the relation between humans and the environment and its many aspects. The list is mostly used for posting announcements, news items, and requests for information. To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to with ‘subscribe ENVTECSOC [Your Name]’ in the message.
INFOTERRA: UNEP’s Environmental Information Network
The United Nations Environment Programme’s Infoterra subscription list is a public list intended for exchanging information on environmental topics, posing queries to the Infoterra network, requesting information from UNEP, and raising environmental awareness in general. To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to with ‘subscribe INFOTERRA [Your-e-mail-address]’ in the message.