BHOR - Towards a cleaner future Published on 4 Oct 2013
Last Updated On: 11/12/2014
Bhor' voices the story of thousands of rural households in India who do not have access to clean energy for their basic needs of cooking and lighting. Women still cook in conventional open mud stoves. The soot inhaled from such cooking methods, causes serious health problems especially among women and children. 10 lakh people die every year due to household air pollution. Families are forced to depend on kerosene lamps after darkness to live through the nights. Amidst this grim situation, Bhor brings in hope through stories of people who have adopted clean and affordable energy solutions as a way to improve their own and others' lives.
The film has been made possible with support from The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and The Department for International Development (DFID).
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